VeriSilicon Agents
- VeriSilicon公司简介
- VeriSilicon Provides the Largest Number of DSP Software Offerings
As product and design complexity continue to escalate, so has software complexity. Often when faced with the high costs to manufacture an IC, software development costs are sometimes easy to miss. However, when evaluating a processor for your next product line, it is essential that these software development costs are also considered.
According to International Business Strategies (IBS), SoC embedded software development effort has grown by more than 400% over the last few years. 90 nm SoCs will push the cost of software development past the 56% of the total SoC design effort it now comprises.
Several factors dramatically influence software development costs: ease of programming, scalability in processor product line, availability of third party developers familiar with the architecture and finally, availability of existing modules.
- VeriSilicon Provides the Largest Number of DSP Software Offerings
Φ VeriSilicon代理商列表
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