Teranetics Agents
- Teranetics公司简介
- Teranetics is a leading mixed-signal IC company that develops silicon products for the most advanced communication applications. Teranetics provides state-of-the-art silicon solution that enable 10G rate over the traditional UTP copper cabling, an order of magnitude improvement over rates available in today’s enterprise networks. Teranetics products allow data centers and enterprise networks to increase scalability and improve throughput while dramatically lowering the cost of ownership for 10G links. Teranetics solutions are being adopted by many of the networking industry’s leading OEMs and equipment providers.
Φ Teranetics代理商列表
- 研扬推出AMD LX级进阶嵌入式主板PCM...
- 研华WinCE 6.0嵌入式操作系统用于3...
- PMC-Sierra的PDH光纤接入器件支...
- 研华新款串行通讯模块ADAM-4510I适...
- 基于802.15.4系统级芯片,AeroC...
- Technik的立体声插座接触阻抗小于30...
- 胜天通讯全新光收发器芯片组瞄准GPON等市场...
- Centillium推出支持HD IPTV...
- Schurter表面安装型熔断连杆符合Ro...
- 美高迪4.0GB miniSDHC闪存卡读...
- 美高迪16G CF闪存卡读写数据速度达16...
- 新日本无线推出可视门铃用语音开关NJW11...
- Bel Fuse新款1/4砖转换器最大输出...
- Steward推出单片集成表面贴装共模扼流...
- Semitel推出超低电容高分子ESD保护...