-瑞信半导体 代理商
Megapower Agents
- -瑞信半导体(Megapower)公司简介
- MegaPower Semiconductor Ltd was founded in 2004, <br>
with its headquarter in Hong Kong,<br>
RD center in Silicon Valley, USA,<br>
design center in Shanghai, and marketing center in Shenzhen.<br>
MegaPower attracts world-class design talents in the fields of analog device and mixed-signal, and its core team has years of design and management experience in well-known companies in North America. In pursuit of high efficiency and innovation, we are committed to becoming a world-class semiconductor design company.<br>
Φ -瑞信半导体 代理商(Megapower Agents)代理商列表
- ST针对蓝光数据存储应用推出升压直流-直流...
- ST推出新款MEMS单轴航向陀螺仪LISY...
- 英飞凌向深圳公交一卡通项目提供非接触式CP...
- 英飞凌推出全新最低通态电阻OptiMOS ...
- 英飞凌推出支持PFC和FOC功能的8位XC...
- NEC电子推出可实现USB无线连接的主机控...
- 低功耗+小体积,飞利浦两手并重推DVB-T...
- 台积电准备进入安全苛求汽车电子市场...
- 台积电推40纳米制程...
- 摩托罗拉推出创新型MPEG-4和MPEG-...
- 安森美推出针对便携式设备的DC-DC转换器...
- 安森美电源控制器为笔记本电脑提供电源管理方...
- 飞兆推出新款Power-SPM模块FPP0...
- 飞兆推出面向DVS应用的数字可编程降压稳压...
- 飞兆推出用于驱动双相开关磁阻电机的SRM-...