KDS 代理商
KDS Agents
- KDS(KDS)公司简介
- Founded in 1995, the KDS brand is a leading provider of affordable, high-quality monitors geared toward corporate, government, education and personal consumers. After the successful launch of its Visual Sensations line of monitors during its introductory year, the company immediately developed a loyal customer base desiring quality products at an affordable price.<br>
In 1997, KDS introduced the Avitron line, a series of monitors utilizing Trinitron picture tubes. The following year, the company became one of the 10-leading providers of standalone desktop displays in the Nation, a position it continues to hold today. Following the success of its Avitron line, KDS introduced the Radius series of LCD flat panel monitors in 1999. Two years later, in 2001, KDS launched its XtremeFlat line of pure flat tube CRT monitors. <br>
Φ KDS 代理商(KDS Agents)代理商列表
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