  • 美丽微 代理商

    Formosa Agents

  • 美丽微(Formosa)公司简介
  •     FORMOSA MICROSEMI CO. LTD was founded on July 1996. The original founder and chairman of the board, madam Irene Yang , worked at quality control department of an American company -General Semiconductor Co. in 1970s. Then she changed to Rectron CO.,Ltd. to be in an office of a deputy manager of the production department and a factory manager, etc. In 1986, she established DII TAIWAN CO., LTD. (The said company now belongs to the Liton Group). Afterwards, she also established MicroSemi TAIWAN Co., LTD. (The said company is an affiliated company invested in Taiwan by an American listed company) as the general manager. She has involved in semiconductor manufacturing for more than twenty years. Due to personal health reason, chairman Yang transferred most of her stock shares to present the board chairman general manager, Mr. Ben W.P. Huang , in July 1997. <br><br>
Φ 美丽微 代理商(Formosa Agents)代理商列表
◇ Formosa新品推荐

Formosa美国公司推出工业显示器LDP-15,它可安装在墙壁上或设备面板上,也可独立放置。该显示器采用NEMA-4/12铝合金前盖,可防水、防尘,也可防止长期磨损。其前面的密封门上安装有RS-232 COM串行口及USB端口,用于连接外围设备。在门上,还有一套完整的屏幕显示调整装置。